For most South Dakotans, the last nine months have been just a blur…and life goes on day by day. Yet, for the Soldiers, family members and friends of the 1742nd Transportation Company based in Sioux Falls and Flandreau, the clock has moved at “half time.” It’s amazing how the emptiness experienced by friends and family because of a deployment quickly erodes with the news their loved one is coming home.
A little more than nine months after hundreds of well-wishers gathered in Harrisburg for their activation ceremony, we as proud South Dakotans can say, “Well-done Soldier…Welcome Home!”
Even though today’s technology allows for regular communication between here and some far-away Forward Operating Base, time away will never replace the things which were missed: wedding anniversaries, birthdays, baseball games, pets, holidays, the milestones of children…and sadly, the funerals and memories of loved ones who’ve passed.
A special “Thank You” goes out to the military spouse….and for you, the return of the 1742nd is encapsulated in the poem by Sara Horn entitled “For You, the Military Spouse.”
A day where no uniforms need mending or patches sewn on;
A day where nothing breaks down when you are all alone;
A day when children listen and there are no tears to dry;
A day where there are no questions and you don’t have to answer why;
This is the day I wish for you the Military Spouse.
A day filled with peace and love and solidarity,
A day where a phone call is just the start of the great day you’ll see;
A day when you realize that what you do has fantastic enormous worth;
A day where for the first time in months you can breathe without hurt,
This is the day I wish for you the Military Spouse.
A day that’s 24 hours closer to your loved one coming home;
A day for webcams and Skype and soft I love you’s before dawn.
A day where there are no silly arguments, just constant mutual grace.
A day filled with blue skies, happiness and faith.
This is the day I wish for, The Military Spouse.
The 160 Soldiers honored this week are the latest in a long list of South Dakotans who have answered our nation’s call to service. The “Four Deuce” deployed in 1990-1991 during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm; 2003-2004 for Iraqi Freedom and now their latest service in Afghanistan. During each call-up, the men and women embodied the motto of the Transportation Corps, “Spearhead of Logistics” for the service they provided service members from around the globe.
Thank you for your service and commitment to our state and nation; and for protecting the freedoms we as Americans so dearly enjoy.
Mike Rounds