Campaign News
From Fox News: There’s no such thing as a sure thing in politics -- but for Republicans, South Dakota’s open Senate seat is as close as it comes.
Republican candidate Mike Rounds has maintained a substantial lead in the race for the seat being vacated by Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson, a big part of the party's designs for taking control of the Senate next year. Rounds is a fixture in South Dakota politics – having served two terms as governor and before that as majority leader in the state Senate.
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During my time as governor, we worked hard to create a favorable business environment in South Dakota. We kept taxes low, regulations in check, and added 28,000 new jobs – despite the country reeling from the deepest recession since the Great Depression. Working together, we’ve created one of the strongest economies in the nation. The key to economic growth is job creation and a healthy economy. Washington D.C. just doesn’t get it – you can’t tax and spend your way to economic prosperity! Speaking of taxes, let’s discuss the excise taxes on employers under Obamacare!
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A lot has changed since Jean and I were married in 1978 and started our small business in 1982. Like a lot of young families, it was difficult. When our kids were young – Jean worked part-time so she could be home when the kids were done with school. We sacrificed to make it all work.
Over the years, one of the biggest changes we’ve seen is in our workforce. Today, nearly half of the U.S. workforce is made up of women – more than half of those are the primary income earners in their households. Dual income families have sky-rocketed – out of preference and necessity. Women start 2 out of 3 new businesses and women manage 83% of household incomes.
In my own business, 70% of my team is women. While serving as governor, 50% of my senior staff and cabinet were women. I understand first-hand how our diversity in the workplace calls for greater flexibility. Our workforce has changed – for the better. Our laws need to change as well.
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Our heritage is who we are.
My family is from the Lake Traverse Reservation in northeast South Dakota. My mother is a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate. Growing up, she was a single mom who served her people as a nurse with Indian Health Service. My mom is the strongest person I know – she happens to be Dakota. Born into government healthcare and living on our own land held “in trust” by the federal government, my Native grandmother often lived with us.
“Caske” means first born son. That’s what they called me. That’s who I am.
Mike learned all of this in 2002. We visited the tribal council, members of the community and my family. He asked questions and listened.
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One word. Dysfunctional.
That’s how most Americans would describe the current U.S. Congress. Let’s face it – South Dakota’s prairie rattlesnake is more popular.
For too long, South Dakota's senators have been canceling out each other's votes in the U.S. Senate. All the while, the federal bureaucrats and the Harry Reid led Senate have been jamming through job-killing policies and legislation. We’re literally paying for the dysfunction. It’s time to do something about it.
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