Campaign News
It’s been a tradition at our public events to ask all of the men and women who have proudly worn the uniform of the United States of America to stand and be recognized.
They are our heroes and all deserve our admiration and respect. While we normally don’t single out individuals on occasions like today, I wanted to share a little about one soldier who is close to us because I believe he embodies the spirit of what makes all of our veterans special.
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“Hey, it’s a great night in South Dakota,” U.S. Senate-elect Mike Rounds said to supporters following an introduction from his new partner in the Senate, John Thune.
After a hotly contested U.S. Senate Race, Republican Mike Rounds wins a majority of votes in a four-man race. In his victory speech, Rounds thanks South Dakota voters and says he's ready to get to Washington.
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For most South Dakotans, the last nine months have been just a blur…and life goes on day by day. Yet, for the Soldiers, family members and friends of the 1742nd Transportation Company based in Sioux Falls and Flandreau, the clock has moved at “half time.” It’s amazing how the emptiness experienced by friends and family because of a deployment quickly erodes with the news their loved one is coming home.
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Not making a decision is a decision. Waiting for perfect to make a decision almost always ensures the least perfect result continues in the meantime because nothing changes. And “it's a moral victory” is just a rationalization to make one feel better in defeat.
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Not making a decision is a decision. Waiting for perfect to make a decision almost always insures the least perfect result continues in the meantime because nothing changes. And “its a moral victory” is just a rationalization to make one feel better in defeat.
In the US Senate primary, the supporters of Bosworth, Nelson, Ravnsberg, and Rhoden didn’t get their choice for the GOP nominee. Decision made and a new decision is upon us. Waiting for perfect means nothing will change. And, Harry Reid remaining as majority leader is not a moral victory for anyone but liberals.
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